Friday, August 6, 2010

The Beginning

Why Ekstasis?

Ekstasis is the song, the energy and power that fills Unity. Everyone looks for that “Ecstasy”, essentially we all want to feel better than good..we want to feel ecstatic. It flows through us when we open ourselves to it. It fills us with power and with motivation to grow, to become what we have the positive potential of being, and to fulfill our purpose in being here and now on this planet. When we feel this urges of joy, we are empowered and we know that we are on an appropriate track for us, the track that leads to greater meaning and fulfillment in our lives. Go for it!!

-Jessica Macbeth-“The Faerie Oracle”

This text was my motivation to put this blog together and share this wonderful spiritual journey with everyone that have had similiar experiences. Share with and walk with me.


Thank you for taking the time to read. Blessings.